Luckily, there is still hope. You can help to keep these creatures alive and protect them from being endangered. First of all, try not to waste natural resources. Recycle, if you can, your garbage. By recycling, you're helping to save many trees from being cut down for paper. These trees then can remain homes for many animals and plants in the wild.

Don't pollute the environment. Keep your neighborhood clean. This can prevent any accidental death of animals or plants. Don't buy anything like fur coats or any other products that come from endangered animals. By buying these products you are supporting the hunters, manufacturers, and the idea of killing animals so you can look pretty.

If you can, contribute to organizations that help to protect wildlife. This is very important. With your contributions conservationists can get the necessary equipment and things to help save these animals and plants.

Last, and the most important, is to learn about these creatures. Get to know them better and create an interest in them because they are so wonderful. Not only get to know them, but get involved to save them. With your help, these creatures don't have to become endangered, or even extinct.